Construction Monitoring
Our field-proven approach to site monitoring helps clients minimize unnecessary downtime and meet project deadlines.
We appreciate that time is of the essence on any construction site. Excellent communication between archaeologists, contractors, on-site project managers, and engineers is crucial. That’s why our staff prioritizes communication and efficiency to ensure projects move forward in a timely manner.
If a project requires an archaeologist to be on-site during construction activities to ensure that cultural resources are not impacted by the project, PAL works with the construction team to develop an archaeological monitoring plan that addresses necessary permitting requirements and meets project deadlines.
These plans allow our archaeologists to document and recover valuable information that would otherwise be lost during construction, while keeping on schedule.
Select Clients
Town of Orleans
Springfield Technical Community College
Vineyard Wind LLC
Harvard University
National Grid
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Select Projects
Orleans Wastewater Collection System, Orleans, MA
Vineyard Wind, Barnstable, MA
Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield, MA
National Grid and Eversource Projects, New England
Gloucester Manufactured Gas Plan, Gloucester, MA
MBTA South Coast Rail, MA
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