Cemetery Investigations
PAL has extensive experience documenting a wide range of burial types, including ancient Native American burial sites and historic-period cemeteries.
For decades, our qualified staff have delivered cemetery investigation services with the understanding that handling or relocating remains must be performed with the utmost respect and professionalism.
We conduct field and documentation work in compliance with provisions of state burial laws and municipal ordinances, and can obtain necessary permits expeditiously.
Johnston Cemetery No. 62, Johnston, RI
Cemetery projects require a combination of methods including:
Genealogical, archival, and primary records research
Field survey & hand- and machine-assisted excavation
Reinterment/excavation of human remains and burial-related objects
Delineation of cemetery boundaries and unmarked graves
Select Clients
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Rhode Island Department of Transportation
Select Projects
Route 37 Cemetery Relocation and Genealogical Research & Sockanosset Cross Road Cemetery, Cranston, RI
St. Joseph Cemetery, Roxbury, MA
Luce Cemetery, Nomans Land Island, Chilmark, MA
John Congdon Burial Lot Delineation and Relocation, South Kingstown, RI
Johnston Historical Cemetery, Johnston, RI
Rhode Island Almshouse Cemetery, Cranston, RI
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