Expert Testimony
PAL’s senior staff offers comprehensive cultural resource management advice and testimony backed by 40 years of experience.
Federal and state legislation governing cultural resource compliance can be complicated. Our depth of experience allows us to work productively with professional legal staff and other expert witnesses to anticipate issues and outcomes resulting from project-specific testimony.
Over the past 40 years, we have provided expert testimony and professional opinions on historic and archaeological resources as they apply to a range of issues, including historic district legislation, planned redistricting, transportation enhancement projects, proposed residential subdivision planning, and public use rights.
Services include:
Appearance before federal and state courts, state siting boards, local commissions and planning boards, and other governmental entities
Written and oral depositions
Expert witness testimony for civil court cases involving historic and archaeological resources
Cultural resource management advice and consultation
All members of PAL senior staff are qualified to provide expert testimony within their specific areas of expertise. Our staff works within professional guidelines, as presented in the Codes of Ethics of the Society of American Archaeology, American Anthropological Association, Register of Professional Archaeologists and American Cultural Resources Association. PAL staff are knowledgeable of federal, state, and municipal cultural resource laws and regulations.
Select Clients
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
National Grid
NextEra Energy Resources, LLC
Select Projects
Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Independent External Peer Review, Augusta, GA
Vernon #13 Substation Relocation, Vernon, VT
NGRID Searsburg and Harriman Stations, VT
Merrimack Valley Reliability Project, NH
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