Avoidance, Protection & Post-Review Discovery Plans
With decades of experience drafting avoidance and mitigation plans, we help clients anticipate the unexpected.
In order for avoidance plans to be effective risk management tools, they need to be adjustable as project needs shift. We create flexible avoidance, protection, and post-review discovery plans that dovetail project needs with regulatory requirements.
Plans and Training
Our avoidance and protection plans outline what precautions to take in order to avoid and/or minimize potential project effects during cultural resource investigations. Additionally, our post-review discovery plans detail specific procedures to follow in the event that human remains, a new historic site, or previously unidentified cultural resources are discovered during construction.
In addition to written plans, we assist clients by providing training to construction personnel and contractors. Before a project begins, we review the Avoidance & Protection Plan and/or Post-Review Discovery Plan in detail with all relevant crew members and provide training as new personnel are added to a project.
Services include:
Consultation with SHPOs, Native Nations & Tribes, and other interested stakeholders
Compliance with state and federal historic preservation laws and regulations
Training & plan review for contractors and construction personnel
Select Client List
Kinder Morgan
National Grid
Eversource Energy
Town of Eastham
Select Projects
Dam Removal Projects
Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Projects: NJ-NY Expansion; AIM; Atlantic Bridge; Tennessee Gas Pipeline Connecticut Expansion
Electric Transmission Projects: National Grid Lines 315/327/303/3520; Eversource Lines 65-508, 3361, 342-507
Water Projects: Town of Eastham Water System
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