Cultural Resource Management Plans

Essential cultural resource master plans for short- and long-term protection and management. 


A fully-developed CRM plan is key to successful cultural resource maintenance and development. Our clients have found our Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMPs) and Historic Property Management Plans (HPMPs) to be useful guides that are effective and long-lasting—some client plans have been used for 20+ years.


PAL prepares ICRMPs/HPMPs to assist federal, state, and local agencies—as well as private companies—in the management and protection of cultural resources. Created with practicality, longevity, and regulatory compliance in mind, our plans have proven to be integral pieces of environmental documents and master plans.


Plans often include:

  • An inventory of cultural resources with their current condition and National/State register status

  • Practical means for compliance with federal, state, and local laws

  • A land- and building-use guide for programs that could affect cultural resources

  • Operational and preservation goals and priorities

  • A framework for further survey and evaluation & schedule for the implementation of plan activities

  • An action plan for dealing with unanticipated events/discoveries 

PAL provides clients with the management framework needed to maintain resources and strategize for the future.


Collaboration with Stakeholders

To ensure that the appropriate individuals and entities are consulted, ICRMPs/HPMPs are often developed with involvement from a variety of stakeholders and interested parties, including: local community groups, Native nations and Tribes, private citizens, and regulators.

Clients and projects


Our Selected Client List

  • US Army Corps of Engineers

  • Massachusetts and Rhode Island Army National Guard

  • Great River Hydro Northeast, Inc.

Featured Projects


  • PN 2092 Vernon Hydroelectric Development HPMP

Related Services


Regulatory Compliance

Our staff provides expert guidance to help clients successfully navigate regulatory processes at the local, state, and federal levels.

Municipal Survey and Preservation Plans

We deliver high-quality municipal surveys, many of which are integrated into town master plans.

Expert Testimony

PAL’s senior staff can offer comprehensive cultural resource management advice and testimony backed by 40 years of experience.

SAPPs & Post-Review Discovery Plans

PAL creates robust risk-management plans that dovetail unique project needs with regulatory requirements.


Take the next step

Start your project today, or learn more about the exhibit services we have to offer.